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Thursday, 14 June 2012

Today we have exterior cladding - all in 1 day!!

Busy week onsite for us here.

All the eaves fully painted now in Dulux 'Hog Bristle' -2 coats done- each 95 meters (35 meters of that - our 1.8m lined verandah)....that's a lot of eave painting!

Electricians have begun work inside, steadily wiring the house throughout.

Our house went from a frame stage with a roof all clad today - amazed how quick they put it all up.  Now looking like a real house- not just a frame. Great to see!!

Cladding for whole house fitted on the one trailer.
The cladders left home at 4.30AM for their big trip to our site ...460km round trip for them...completing the cladding and on the way home by 3.30PM . Fantastic effort !!

House was first  all wrapped up in a waterproof, breathable membrane.

 The 100mm thick panels being cut to size and fixed in place.

The fixing screws used

Made an executive decision and now we are cladding the front porch posts...they are now clad, ready for render and will stand out nicely as feature columns.

 The alfresco area taking shape.

All the joins getting filled with expanding foam - effectively glueing the sheets together.

The walls now all clad.

And the cladders even took all their leftovers away!!

Rendering of the cladding begins tomorrow.

A bit of far we've put in over 12000 nails into the frame (that's not including the nails the original frame suppliers put into their prefab frame).
Approx 4500 roof screws
Approx 2500 screws to attach the cladding.....

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