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Friday, 8 June 2012

Final preparation for our cladding next week.

The finishing touches put in place this past week, ready for the much anticipated cladding/locking up of the house next week.

The eaves are now fully completed, with paint being steadily applied to them...almost done !!

The roof fall protection railing has now come down now, giving us a much better, uncluttered look at our lovely new roof.

All the new windows are now fixed in place, with the last couple near the front entry going in, now the roof is water tight above them.... can't wait till they can be fully unwrapped for us to enjoy.

The front double door entry jamb now in place ready for the cladding to butt up to.

Preparing the entrance to the double car garage also for the foam/render cladding.

 We decided to modify the height of the double garage entry slightly in the end, lowering it by 135mm..... to ensure we only needed a 4 panel  - panel lift door - not a 5 panel. 
We were informed by our local door installer this will save us approx $500...and still has plenty of clearance for the Landcruiser.

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