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Thursday, 16 August 2012

Lighting turned on, concrete for air con, plus start of wall tiling

Concrete slab poured this morning ready for our Actron air con/heating unit's arrival and fit out early next an extra spot allocated for the future gas bottles.

Today all the floor tiles in the wet ares were completed, with ensuite and adjoining toilet tiled. (pics soon...couln't walk in there this arvo with camera...too wet/new)

Beginning of tiling of the walls in the kids bathroom later this arvo. Recessed metal channel mounted in place ready to accept the solid 12mm thick walk in glass shower screens.

Electricians powered up more of our lights today....great to see what we have chosen finally in action working.

Our new LED downlights in the lounge....most impressed. Great output and dimmability!!

The camera isn't real good at showing it as it truly is...but....1st pic shows full output ....ultra bright.

2nd pic....dimmed...alot more subdued.


  1. Glad to see your home project is taking shape beautifully! What HVAC unit did you get? Hope you invested in an energy-efficient one since this can help you cut down on your utility costs and allow you to help the environment in your own little way. By the way, saw that your bathroom’s already done, and it’s just gorgeous! Love your doggies’ beds in the laundry room too. You just gave me an idea for my beloved pooches. :)

  2. Hi Georgia. All going well in the new place. The dogs love their new bedroom :). The heating/cooling unit we installed was an Actron, which we are most impressed with - it is very efficient.

  3. Hi delatite 13,
    How's it going?I've been following the LED light threads in the HomeOne forum & found out about Wattsaver leds through your posts actually. They're looking really good! With the amount of information & personal opinions/reviews of led lighting brands out there, it gets a little overwhelming sometimes.
    Just wondering which ones & how many you used (DL7's or DL9's) for your lounge, living/dining & hallways.
    Any help/info would be greatly appreciated!


  4. Hi Farhan,
    We used both of them. The DL7's are the same size as the standard halogen ie 70mm. The DL9's are a 90mm light. We used them in the lounge as they have a wider spread of light so you can use less. We only used 4 in an area about 6 x 7 metres. We used 2 DL7's over the dining table area and 6 in the hallway. I would guess they would be similar to if not better than a halogen light for brightness. The DL9's are far brighter and cover more area than a halogen.
    As far as we could find out they are the only led that looks like the old standard halogen downlight ie with a reflector. Most of the others are made up of 4 or 5 3watt led's. These are a single LED of 14 watts (I think).
    When compared to others I just think they are far better value for money. I think they are as good or better than Brightgreen but less than half the price. They have a 5 year warranty. Assembled here from overseas parts.
    All in all I don't think you would be sorry with them. Hope this helps. Paul

  5. Hi delatite 13,
    Like Farhan have seen the LED lights thread on homeone and was just wondering what dimmers did you use for the wattsavers?
    We are considering using the Saturn OneTouch for part of our build in family/lounge room with the wattsavers but havent had any info from Steven at Wattsaver about which dimmers do work. We were also looking at using the Clipsal touch dimmers in other parts (to help keep some costs down). So any info would be appreciated.


  6. Hi Scooter.
    We just went with standard Clipsal power-points and switches throughout our house.
    The dimmers we used are also standard Clipsal- universal dimmers. We find they function really well with our Wattsaver lights, no flickering etc.
    Although, I remember from conversations months ago with Steven, whilst we were still building, he said a HPM dimmer could be used also and give marginally more dimability.
    Sorry, can't help with the Saturn One Touch or the Clipsal touch dimmers - we didn't look into those.

  7. ok thanks for the info, will get our sparky to put them in and see how they worst we can swap them out for the universal dimmers.

