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Welcome to our blog - hope you enjoy seeing how our build is progressing as we continue to update :)

Saturday, 28 April 2012

Roof battens and verandah footings

Busy week on our site.
The shed now has lighting and power connected with power points in place for the workshop, which is great.With the shed toilet already up and running and now the lights and power, we are pretty much self sufficient on site now.
Carpenter has been busy battening the roof frame ready for the Colourbond roof.

Verandah footings have been poured and stirrups for posts put in place, ready for the verandah frame and roof to go up. 

Friday, 20 April 2012

All trusses up plus front entrance frame

End of a productive week.
The last of the roof trusses put in place today, plus the front entrance frame erected and its posts concreted into place.

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Roof trusses - day 3

Day 3 of erecting the roof trusses.

Slowly but surely the future roof shape is emerging.
Today we hired a crane for the larger, hard to manage main trusses, to lift them up into place.

One by one each trusses lifted into place.

 Looking  through the front entrance toward the main living area, another truss gets lowered.

 Inside the lounge/dining/kitchen big room, the roof line emerging.

 Glimpses of the future finished roof line


 Also great to see our Trend Double Glazed 'ThermAL' windows (composite aluminium outside and  UPVC inside) arrived on site today and were unloaded into our shed.
 Hard to believe there's 23 windows and sliding doors in that stack!

The composite windows we are using have Colourbond 'Dune' outside and inside is white UPVC.

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Roof truss progress day 2

trusses over garage and alfresco taking shape
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looking up from the alfresco area
looking up from main dining/lounge area
trusses lying over lounge/ dining area awaiting standing up

Monday, 16 April 2012

Roof trusses progress - day 1

The alfresco area posts put in place today, removing the temporary props

The starting of the roof truss erection, starting with the garage area and the alfresco area


Friday, 13 April 2012

Roof trusses arrive

Roof trusses arrived by semi on site this arvo a day later than promised. 
So won't start erecting them until Monday now.
Impressive sight seeing them get craned up and get lowered on top of the wall frames.


hope this is the only time we have a semi parked
right on our front door step :)


Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Framing continues.

Easter all over, now back on site.

Busy couple of days squaring up the wall frames, and securing them in place, attaching brace boards, gang nail tie downs, cross braces, etc.

 Also digging the holes ready for the verandah posts, propping the alfresco area beams up in place......all ready to accept  all the roof trusses arriving tomorrow by semi (to be craned on top of frame).

 Had a footpath  BBQ lunch today at the site -very nice.

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Wall frame stage

At long last the prefab wall frames arrived on site late yesterday afternoon by semi trailer.
The outer walls were pulled from the stacks and laid out on the slab ready for erection next day.
Big day today, all the wall frames - external and internal,  have been stood up into place- preliminarily-with temporary bracing securing them for over Easter...with final the squaring off, and permanent securing to come just after Easter.

Great to see the build finally take some 3 dimensional shape.
Finally we can walk through and begin to see first hand what we've seen on paper for so long.

Shed toilet connected up into the sewage system. Great to have up and running so all the tradesman can use it and no need to hire a portable one.