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Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Bathroom, laundry and wine room pics

Our ensuite

Walk in stepless shower

The kids bathroom  (forgot the bathtub pics too...oops - will have to take some)

The laundry.....aka...our doggies bedroom :)

And the wine room...


  1. Hi there delatite,
    I came across one of your old posts on the homeone forum regarding interference patterns created when you install mesh roller-blinds in front of flywire screens. I am facing the same predicament and have been told by the roller blind company that I can pay for premium blinds that won't have this effect. How did you go with yours? Did you find a solution? I fear that the company is just trying to take me for a ride.
    Your home looks magnificent by the way!
    Many thanks,

  2. Hi Tim,
    thanks for you kind comments about out home :)
    In the end we decided not to go with the premium blinds. We had a few quotes done by different suppliers and they showed us with their samples on site - yes there is a slight distortion...BUT really was only our opinion and not worth the extra cost just for that. We really have to study it consciously to actually notice there is a slight difference. Day to day looking through them now, can't say we ever notice it, you can still see outside quite easily/clearly. And our visitors never notice it either.
    Hope this helps your decision.
    Paul and Cheryl
