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Monday, 2 July 2012

Oven and dishwasher ordered

Ordered our oven and dishwasher over the weekend.

Have chosen an AEG 60cm electric multifunction wall oven - model BE5013001M.

Dishwasher chosen was a Bosch Freestanding - model number SMS68M02AU in White.


  1. Can you tell me if you are happy with your oven especially since it doesn't have a self clean function? I am tossing up between the AEG and a Siemens HB43GS550A with Ecoclean but can't find any reviews on either? Would love to know your thoughts?

    1. Hi, we are really happy with the AEG oven, cooks really well, functions are easy to use. Nice even heat. Grill great too. If we had heaps of 'spare' cash we may have gone for a self cleaning one, but as we were on a bit of a budget, we couldn't justify it. Also liked the fact AEG offer a 5 year warranty.

  2. Hey delatite13, AEG oven are nice ovens, you can giv more info about them.
