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Welcome to our blog - hope you enjoy seeing how our build is progressing as we continue to update :)

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Slab pour

Slab pour today!!!

Finally, our long awaited slab was poured today.
After rain interruptions delaying progress, it's a relief to have the slab down.

A busy day with 7 workers on site, a pump truck and 3 concrete trucks on the go.
70 meters laid today.... at country (expensive) prices - $212 m3 for concrete, plus steel, pods, chairs, plastic and do the maths....puts a fair dint in the build budget lol

We are having step less walk in showers, so the pods in the shower areas were lowered (compared to the rest of the slab) to allow for this.

The finished product....our new slab.

Friday, 23 March 2012

Slab preparation

Preparation for the slab pour continues.
With the boxing in place you can start to see the size and layout of the house a little easier.

                                           boxing in place
plastic laid out

Shed finished

Shed is finally complete.
All set now to move all our stuff out of storage.

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Shed and house progress

Work on the shed continues........

wall sheets going on
attaching wire mesh, to support the sisalation paper for the roof

Along with more preparation of the slab....... 


With the forecast for high winds, hail, etc -extra ropes attached to help stop the waffle pods from flying away

Monday, 19 March 2012

Shed colours

Colourbond colours we have chosen for the shed and house.
Still a little undecided if the render colour will be paperbark though, or another sandstone type colour.


The floorplan of the new house.

House progress and shed erection

Finally some more progress onsite, beautiful sunny day here, and no rain for a change!!!

Been held up by rain yet again last week, plus concreter's excavator broke down. But finally today the slab preparation has recommenced by our concreter.
Waffle pods were delivered by semi on site today. The trenches for garage and alfresco area footings also dug by excavator. Work due to continue tomorrow.

Also, at long last, our shed finally has started to go up today too.

trenching for footings
Waffled pods arrive on site via semi

Shed posts laid out
Scissor lift arrives ready for shed completion

Shed upright bolts drilled and glued in ready

the first wall sheets going up

Saturday, 10 March 2012

Trenching for slab

Finally with the weather on the improve, the torrential rain has stopped.
We've been able to start preparation for the slab.

Picture below showing preliminary marking out for plumbing.

The trenching begins

Laying the pipes

Covering the pipes with screenings

Pipes covered in soil and ready for the concreter

Delivering the mesh, chairs and poly on site ready for set up