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Welcome to our blog - hope you enjoy seeing how our build is progressing as we continue to update :)

Friday, 28 June 2013

New side fencing.

Start of the new side fencing, to keep our doggies in.

Treated pine poles going in.

Treated pine pole framework.

Treated pine decking slats going on.

Gate going in. (sorry no pics of welding up the gate frame)

Finally a merbau stain to complete the look.

The finished fencing.....really happy with the way it looks.

Outdoor works ....the side retaining wall.

Work outside has been on the go these past few months. Plenty of things to build.

The new retaining wall being first on the list.

Beginning first with all the treated pine poles being installed.

Poles in place ready for the railing.

Treated pine railing going on

Aggy drain pipe and gravel, for drainage, plus plastic barrier.

 Top soil being placed up onto the wall....with the help of a nice big dump truck and excavator - beats using a wheelbarrow :)

Now some final finishing off .....the boards all in, poles trimmed to correct height and topsoil leveled off in place.

finally the addition of cap rail for the final look.

Now for the fun bit!!

All the mulch being delivered by truck load.

Plants and mulch all in....just need to wait for it all to grow now :)