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Welcome to our blog - hope you enjoy seeing how our build is progressing as we continue to update :)

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Carpet install day.

Finally carpet laying day arrives.

Harvey Norman's Smartstrand Silk Gentle Essence - 'Wildwood' on 11mm Cloud 9 Cumulus underlay.
Must commend HN for organising our carpet installation....the guys left home in Melbourne at 4.30AM to drive up here and install for us in a day.....great job!!


Really happy with the result ....sooo it !!


Monday, 17 September 2012

LOTS ..Decking, kitchen handles, study, laundry, blinds, etc

Front porch decking oiled, 2 coats applied ...really happy with the result.

Laundry cupboards installed.
Doors are Albedor Tobacco in plain finish. With tops done in Polytec Pearl Fabrini Matt finish.

Study desk top and drawers installed - same colours as chosen in Study.

Kitchen cabinet door handles going in.

Holland blinds installed today....combo of block out and sunscreen.
Forgot to get a pic of the venetians in the bathrooms.

Kids vanity in, waiting on stone tops.

 Grass seed down out front, watering it daily...waiting for some green to appear.

Friday, 14 September 2012

Kitchen going in, front decking complete

Front porch decking now complete.

Our kitchen begins going in....first the rangehood.

Cabinets arrive on site.

And begin going into place

Island bench beginning

Overheads next

More pics to come.....

Monday, 10 September 2012

Alfresco plaster, wine room floor, bobcat starts landscaping

Alfresco and front porch cornices going up today, sand off tomorrow, then painting Wednesday.

A pic of the bamboo floor in our wine room, before we started installing the wine rack this arvo.

 Bobcat working today, shifting gravel and our huge stored mound of topsoil...working on our driveway, future garden and lawn areas out front.

Spreading the driveway out front.

Dumping topsoil on the nature strip, ready to spread.

New road to our rear shed

Starting to look like a new home, with front area topsoil and road base for drive all spread, ready to grow lawn and create garden.

Friday, 7 September 2012

Front porch decking, plus toilets and vanity

Another busy day on site

Our front porch decking progressively going down.

Almost complete.

Toilets going in in Master Bed toilet, main toilet and garage toilet, also mini vanity in garage toilet.

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Shelves, shower screens & alfresco

Busy this week installing the cupboard shelving throughout the house.
Shower screens installed in place, plus preparation for concrete in alfresco area.

Shelving going in all the WI Robes, WI linen, WI pantry,study store, games store, etc.

Shelving on site ready to go

 Pantry shelving going in

Linen cupboard shelving going in

Start of our Master Bed WIR shelving

Also, great to see our frameless/walk in/stepless - showers getting their solid glass screens installed today -12mm thick 2100 High x 1500 Long

Looking great, can't wait to clean them up properly .. when I'm allowed...told a couple of days to set in place...then we can see the final finish .

Our outdoor alfresco area getting prepped ready for concrete.

Also our letterbox concreted in place ready for Australia Post deliveries.

Our council has delivered our rubbish bins the end is nearing.