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Welcome to our blog - hope you enjoy seeing how our build is progressing as we continue to update :)

Thursday, 31 May 2012

Windows being installed, and finishing off the roof

Excited to finally see...our long awaited (stored in our shed until now) double glazed "Trend ThermAL"(aluminum outside/UPVC inside windows, being installed ...all  17 of them ...yay !!

Roofing being finished off...the last of the sheets going up and start of the ridge capping in 'V ridge'.

Monday, 28 May 2012

More eaves, roofing, plus insulation arrival.

Eaves sheeting continues....

Roof almost complete, a few delays due to recent rain, but with forecast for fine weather this week, job should be complete in a couple of days.

Our block viewed from a distance

 Insulation delivered to the shed. R-4.0 Earthwool Batts for the ceilings.

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Lining the Eaves....and more roofing

Lining of the eaves under the verandahs began today.

 The roofing is also progressing well.

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Friday, 18 May 2012

Roofing continues

Verandah roofing going on....

 Starting the main roof sheeting...

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Cooktop and Rangehood

Our cooktop has arrived by courier.

Managed to pick up a bargain online...$1140 under RRP with interstate delivery included.

A SMEG PSA906 90cm S/Steel Classic Gas Cooktop. 

A 5 burner model with a whopping 18.6MJ wok burner - perfect for stir frys etc

Our Range hood should arrive tomorrow.

Another bargain found online.

An ILVE B2 90 Crystal Canopy Rangehood - S/Steel with 1200 M3/h extraction

Saved $1546 on RRP  with interstate delivery included also.

Roofing Begins

The roof has started !!
Yesterday, our plumber began, with fascia brackets, fascia and gutters slowly going up.
Roof and fascia colour is Colourbond Dune and gutters are Colourbond Jasper.
Also fall protection safety railing erected, ready for the roof sheets to be installed.

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Roof arrives

Roof arrived late today, unloaded by headlights.

Added a daylight pic today (friday) of the load ready for our plumber

Glad it's here now ready for the plumber.
Verandah fascia beams painted today ready for the guttering to be attached early next week.

More dirt delivered today..... another 70m3 of dirt delivered and spread by the bobcat between shed and house. Yard starting to take shape now. (need to take more pics of yard)

Took a pic of the house from over the other side of the estate, this arvo.

And today another pic (friday) with the latest dirt spread.

Sunday, 6 May 2012

Verandah frame complete

Verandah frame completed this week, giving us a glimpse of the lovely future sheltered area of our rear alfresco area.
So now all framework is in place, completed, squared and braced, and ready to receive the roofing iron on order.
Extra noggins added throughout house ready for hanging items later on, like TV brackets, towel rails, toilet roll holders etc

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Verandah framework begins

With verandah stirrups already concreted into place last week, today the rear verandah began.
Posts were erected and the front fascia beam put in place.